Pakistaniaat Vol 1, No 1 [Urdu Works not included]


Masood Ashraf Raja


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Author Biography

Masood Ashraf Raja, Kent State University

Dr. Masood A. Raja moved from Pakistan, the country of his birth, to America in 1996 after ten years of military service as an officer in the Pakistan army. Raja earned his Masters from Belmont University and his Ph.D in Postcolonial Literature from Florida State University. Raja hopes to foster a better understanding between the people of his primary culture and the rest of the world through his writings, teaching assignments, and other intellectual exchanges. Raja and his wife, Jenny, live in Akron in a house owned by their four beautiful cats.  Oxford University Press is in the process of publishing Raja's book Constructing Pakistan: Foundational Texts and the Rise of Muslim National Identity 1857-1947. Masood Raja is an Assistant Professor of Postcolonial Literature and Theory at Kent State University.